

  • In the beginning: GSC starts with a comprehensive feasibility study regarding project cost and the best location for your facility based on your objectives. We consider build and lease alternatives and can negotiate your land and building lease, or oversee the construction of your factory in China.

  • In the middle: GSC will investigate and inform you of the various local and provincial incentives available (i.e. tax holidays, domestic and used equipment purchase discounts); secure all necessary permits; take the lead in identifying and hiring all factory employees; negotiate all necessary contracts with third parties (i.e. electric and gas utilities, post office, water, sewer, telecom etc.); coordinate the purchase and installation of all machinery, IT equipment and infrastructure, fixtures and furniture; and test all production equipment to ensure it meets the manufacturer's and your stated specifications.

  • In the end: GSC will provide you a fully equipped and operating manufacturing plant complete with certificate of occupancy meeting all national, state, provincial and local building codes. All in less than 18 months!

  • After care: GSC's commitment to you doesn't stop after handing you the key to your new manufacturing plant in China. At your discretion, we will remain engaged as a consultant and provide ongoing IT infrastructure and equipment maintenance as well as personnel/HR assistance.

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